Category Archive : Leadership

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5 Leadership Weaknesses And How To Fix Them

Leadership is not only a role but a huge responsibility that puts you in charge of a set of people that proceed and make different steps in their lives according to you. This is why if you are in the shoes of a leader, you must not have weaknesses in your role to set a solid example for your followers. 

So Here Are A Few Leadership Weaknesses That You Can Fix Them Too:

1. Lack of trust in your employees:

New leaders can often start micromanaging employees or take on more tasks than they can handle. It could be a Leadership weakness for a person. This is all because they aren’t in a state of trusting the team fully to perform as well as they would do. This can happen when leaders aren’t sure of their role, but instead, they start serving as taskmasters or even managers.

They do so to make sure that things aren’t getting done. But the best thing is not to start micromanaging each detail of what must be done but should not focus on any specific outcome. Start trusting the team and follow through. 

2. Excessive connectivity:

Being connected with your followers and your team the whole time has now become a trend as there is the modern mobile workforce. Constant connections allow managers to give feedback readily and manage workers in different time zones.

The issue is that this might lead to being constantly connected and having an omnipresent approach to your leadership. Try building boundaries and realize that you can’t do everything by yourself to cut back some additional commitments. This will let your focus on priorities. 

3. Stagnancy:

All leaders get to face the danger of being stuck in their pathways. The current method of doing different things might be working. But it isn’t to let yourself grow stagnant and neither your team.

The major threat to any successful business is being static and losing the desire to be innovative. But for effective leadership, you should communicate and bring a very clear sense of why you are doing anything you are. The company’s mission will lose credibility without having any innovation. 

4. A need of being liked:

Leaders are all people, and, naturally, they don’t get liked by everyone in their team. But a need of being in the good books of everyone may cloud your ability of solid business judgment. It would help if you did not try to be liked by your team, but instead, in the role of team leadership. You will have to seek to be respected and understood. 

5. Hypocrisy:

Leadership skills examples include being authentic and never falling into hypocrisy. Having a mentality of doing what I say, not what I am doing, is toxic. If you wish for your employees to respect you and always listen to you. You should follow all of your own set rules. You can not hold your team if you aren’t willing to work as hard as you say that your team should. 

These are a few leadership weaknesses that you must avoid and should always cover up. Leadership strengths and weaknesses list are all required for you to be notable. 


Daily Habits Of The Most Successful Leaders

Being highly successful doesn’t mean that you will only have to dream of it every day. But it is a set of ideally compiled rules and regulations that you practice in your life that slowly take you to success.

Some people that have already practiced these rules believe that they have found success only due to these practices. So what are these daily habits of the most successful leaders? Let us find out what successful leaders practice in their everyday life.

1. Make Sure To Read Every Day:

All successful leaders know and fully trust the unforgettable and undeniable advantage of reading every day. Reading can make you smarter, improve your mental clarity, increase your knowledge, reduce stress, improve your memory and activate reasoning skills that can help you focus on core issues of your life. It can bring peace and enlightenment to your life.

Reading is one such activity that relaxes your mind while also stimulating it. To become a great leader, you should be willing to walk on the door of learning. And learning that comes from reading will increase your chances to succeed in life. Find some leadership books and read them every day.

2. Focus On More Challenging Tasks:

Exceptional leaders are always living and thriving in challenges. The more you challenge yourself, the greater your confidence in doing it again. Challenge won’t only help you grow your skills, but it can also help increase the belief that you hold for yourself to achieve all of your aims. Daily Habits of Successful Leaders can help you improve your overall life.

3. Never Forget Your Health:

Most outstanding leaders make it their daily habit to take complete care of themselves over these four emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental levels. They know that the body’s overall health is the foundation from where all of the other most incredible things can happen. If you are not well physically, how will the levels of health above physical level be good?

 If you are not well at your foundation, you cannot function on stories of the complete performance that you want. For this exercise, every day, don’t ignore your body’s signs, have enough sleep, and always take your supplements that would help sustain your energy, focus, and endurance in the day.

4. Take Inspiration From People You Adore:

Exceptional leaders are always overachievers and are most critical of themselves whenever they make mistakes. To not fall into this trap, all successful leaders make sure they have some superiors they can look up to and admire to get in touch with them when needed.

We all need some help from people we consider to be higher than us. The key to effective leadership is always to consider yourself humble and grounded.

5. Always Plan Your Coming Day:

Preparing for the coming day and planning according to it is a habit that all effective leaders have. How can you succeed when you aren’t even sure where you will put your energy when living your day? You might also get things accomplished without a plan, but you may often focus on things that don’t make a more considerable difference in your bigger picture.

Last Word:

These are the daily habits of the most successful leaders. You can bring these in use and make sure you are leading well in your life to make your dreams come true. The importance of leadership in your life will become obvious when you consistently practice these habits.

Tips To Manage Your Time Effectively

Top 5 Tips To Manage Your Time Effectively

Even you ask the freest person of this world about time, he would say he has less of it. Time is the most precious asset we have at present, as once a bit of it is gone, and it won’t be coming back. Even the seconds that are going by right now aren’t going to be available ever again.

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So, you need to start thinking smartly and use every minute of your whole day wisely. It is hard always to stay focused and manage time effectively, and this is why we offer you the top 5 tips to manage your time effectively. 

1. Set reminders for everything you have to do in a day:

The initial key to working smarter and not harder in time management is knowing all of your deadlines and setting all reminders. It would be best if you set reminders around fifteen minutes before the set deadline. This way, you will get enough time to prepare for the meeting or the task that is up next. 

2. Create an everyday planner:

Make a whole list of all of the tasks that you need to acquire that day and not all of the upcoming meetings and deadlines as you get to know them. While you complete the list, make sure you tick off all of the tasks you have completed. This way, you will stay aware of everything you have done and everything that is left pending. 

3. Give every task a time limit:

Over your daily list of tasks to do, write down how much time you think each of the tasks will take. If you don’t finish, stop when the time you fixed ends, and come back to it once its new cycle comes.

Sometimes moving over to different roles and responsibilities and then coming back to the leftover gives your mind a whole fresh start and a new perspective. 

4. Have a set routine:

While you are at work, you have to create a routine that makes the most sense of your position. Why is this essential? For starters, if a chaotic day comes in, you will still work through any issue while sticking to your routine.

By sticking to the routine, you are in, you won’t be able to delay things or procrastinate in any way possible. And most importantly, your mental stability will be maintained, and stress levels will reduce. 

These are some tips to manage your time effectively that will be your way to work smarter and not harder. Many people want to work, but their time management isn’t good enough to achieve the goals they want to reach. If you wish to find success in life, you should change yourself and prepare for it.

No big success comes without any effort put into it. Work hard and pay your best efforts into making your dreams a reality, and you will see all of your tiring days and sleepless nights paying you back.

Broaden Your Vision

Why It’s Important to Broaden Your Vision Rather Than Limit It

When considering what it takes to be successful, many experts will suggest that you spot one main area of focus and narrow on it as tightly as possible. But this strategy can be less inspiring and may bring more struggle than success. It is perfectly acceptable to hold on to a looser grip, be a bit more expansive in my view, and let myself explore a topic from many angles. Vision boarding is important, and here is why:

Broaden Your Vision 02

Go wide or go home!

The first benefit to the wider view is that by not letting it narrow down on the tighter focus, our experience may be more enjoyable. You might narrowly feel a construction, but by loosening this grip, you can become a lot more like the kid we all were in our childhood: full of fun, curious, and in love with life.

To not be constrained is to look for freedom, and in that, we can retain the best of what it means to be alive and in pursuit of those things which are the most important for us. 

So why It’s Important to Broaden Your Vision? You may feel that you have been going farther in your work a lot faster than you ever did. When you think of driving a car in a very tight street, you may see how intense attention may sap all of your energy and that the tendency of overcorrection may mark your strength to drive. 

Instead of simply driving with speed and ease, you may be limited to focusing on the path you have and not hitting on the side walls. Get out over the open road, but you would again get able to drive freely to your destinations. 

Widening your overall view:

Instead of blindly believing that the highly focused strategy is the only way to success, try loosening the reigns and then go a bit wider than narrower. This is the backward advice to many you have heard, and there are just a lot of productivity and brand specialists that will count on this argument. 

The point is to not only be too specific. You may always go a bit wider in your main field. Things will remain related in some way; let it all find its very own inherent balance. As you do this, you will find greater ease and enjoyment in a higher level of success. Undoubtedly your growth will grow in ways the very hyper-focused strategy will never have allowed. 

You have to broaden your vision so that you can attract bigger possibilities in life. You have to see life as a place where anything can happen and fit all that ‘anything’ you desire from your life into your vision. 

The benefits of broad vision include attracting bigger realities into your life and living exactly as you wish. It is highly important to broaden your vision of being a leader, company, or startup company/owner. Your vision is the limit that you will reach and make your company reach too. 

Broaden Your Vision 01

This is all about why it’s important to broaden your vision, and you may get many more than otherwise, you could have taken from a smaller vision. 

For more: Leadership

how entrepreneurs become visionary leaders 01

How Entrepreneurs Become Visionary Leaders?

Recently, many people have started joining the world of entrepreneurship. The number of people joining the world of business is rapidly growing, and it has led many people into becoming financially independent and not run in the corporate job sector.

But becoming an entrepreneur is the initial stage that must lead to being a visionary leader. Self-belief and being persistent helps you in being an entrepreneur, but what is the tool or secret that leads you to the stage of being visionary leaders.

how entrepreneurs become visionary leaders

We will guide you on how entrepreneurs become visionary leaders, and you may be able to benefit from the tips as well:

1. Visionaries value an outsiders perspective

Visionary people know the value of the perspectives that outsiders have. They ought to expect it to be a valuable asset when it comes to questioning and examining issues that are likely to be taken for granted by people inside the team.

Using an outsider’s perspective on different things means you get to have a fresh take on existing practices that will pay a lot in increasing the scope of innovation. It is done by adding a new dynamic to the company’s growth and its vision.

2. The art of building ties

A lot may be said about someone depending on the process and way they build a relationship. Being a visionary, it is very important to invest enough time and effort to excel in relationship building. Having a limited amount of resources and time effectively stops many people from having infinite knowledge.

Not to say that one must build relationships only on certain expectations. But one may gain access to knowledge and an in-depth subject area expertise using interpersonal relationships. Visionaries will like having genuine connections with people as this widens for collaborations.

3. Building vision

Visionary leaders are always aware of building and maintaining a strong vision that is well-rooted to short-term goals. This is because it also actively fosters long-term development. But it is not enough that one only has a vision; it is also important to rope everyone into this process of vision building for this is the key to the execution of a certain vision. A team that dreams together is the one that grows together.

4. Effective communication

A visionary must take it on himself to build and practice clarity in communications. Clear communications are imperative when it comes to binding a whole team to come together. It helps in making sure that everyone is on a single page. A great idea or vision is also accompanied by effective communication that helps execute this vision.

5. Lead by example

A leader never orders his team to do something as long as he doesn’t show an example of him doing it. The attitude of knowing that you should show others how to do something rather than telling them how to do it is what builds a leader from only an entrepreneur.

All these are the main tools of how entrepreneurs become visionary leaders. You may also start practicing them to become one of the most effective leaders in the world and steer your way into success.

For More: How to cope with business loss?


5 Reasons Why Leadership Development Programs Fail

A little secret that is quite there in leadership development, but nobody talks about it. It is that many leadership development programs fail. You have read this just right, that most programs fail to get their objectives.

This is even though 80 percent of the companies viewed leadership development as the higher priority in the recent 2019 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report.

There are many reasons why leadership development programs fail, and some of them will be listed below. Most people forget what they have learned as soon as the program finishes. It is very extensive research that shows that all people forget 70% of the new information in 24 hours.

So the managers return to work after the training ends and nothing changes. They get stuck in the day-to-day activities and can not perform as expected.


So what are the reasons why leadership development programs fail? Let us find the main reasons below:

Identifying The Clear Point Of View Or Objective

Context is the main key. One size won’t fit all. Most organizations invest in the off-the-shelf programs or send their managers to academic leadership courses provided by well-respected universities without considering the five Ws, i.e., who, when, what, where, why.

Companies have to ask themselves what the desired result is and how it will relate to the specific organizational goals.

Right People And The Right Time

One of the main things that all of the people falling into the leadership programs should know that leadership development is not for all. A few employees in any organization are ready, and a few aren’t. Ultimately, the old saying ‘what you put in is what you will get out’ plays a major role in success.

Surveys and many interviews may help narrow down the focus for those that must be part of this kind of program when and why.

Application Is The Key

A leadership development course can use an endless amount of possible curriculum from emotional intelligence and developing the coaching styles to employee onboarding, project execution, and debriefing. And, of course, a lot more than that. That is the good news here. But there are only a few challenges also to avoid.

Without having any in-depth needs of analysis, the organizations may choose the wide cross-section of the learning modules, which sound great but do not necessarily complement each other or have a right on the jo applications.

Measure The Outcomes

All of the leadership development courses are worth the investment of time and the resources needed to be fun and highly engaging. Otherwise, it is only one more piece of work that people have taken on.

Participants need to look forward to it greatly. That being said, a few programs or the team-building experiences companies invest in are only that. Fun at the moment but has no actual or lasting impact on the organization or the individual. Team building and social interaction are highly important, but there should be some measurable elements in ita s well.

Be Okay In Being Uncomfortable

In SEAL training, arguably the most brutal of special operations training and selection programs in the world, the instructor will tell you to be okay in being uncomfortable. Being a successful leader is a lifelong journey.

We are all humans, and we all make mistakes, get distracted and behave quite inconsistently, and damage trust. But the best leader is the one that knows how to grow out of these things and always rise higher.



These were the reasons why leadership development programs fail. You may also be having similar issues in your organization, but the solutions are always there as well.

How To Be A Leader Who Creates More Leaders

Being a leader is what people with influence want to be. But only good leaders want to see many more leaders budding around them. It is only a thought of great people that they wish to see others winning as well. So to be a leader who creates more leaders, you can follow the given tips. 

1. Be A Good Leader Yourself

To make someone else grow into you and have traits similar to you, you first have to be the best you can be. If you are a leader and want to create more of yourself around you, you will have to possess certain traits that will distinguish you from the rest.

Other leaders who fall in the category of being bad leaders have traits that contradict a good leader. A good leader whose actions are inspiring for others empowers and elevates others for an extended time period. 

2. Be Persistent and Consistent

Becoming a leader who leads will need time. It can’t be an overnight process, and it doesn’t also ever end. Walking up to some proficiency level, being a leader will not imply that your learning process has ended.

You will always keep on learning new and also trying out new things to continue the development process. Building up more leaders will need a lot of love of learning and also professional development. It would help if you were an example for your people. 

3. Teach and Coach Constantly

Elevating others to be their best selves takes a lot of patience and constant work. A random lesson here and there isn’t going to do the most.

You have to have the teaching and coaching hat on all the time because any of the given moments may expose the opportunity to teach vital lessons or use the question to coach someone so that they can come up with answers themselves.

4. Admit that you don’t know everything

There will mostly be such moments where you will learn something you have been teaching is proved wrong. In such moments, you have to reject the natural tendencies and say that many people struggle to come out with, i.e., I was wrong, and here is a better way to do it.

There isn’t any doubt that the best leaders are constant learners. It means that it is totally fine if you don’t have all of the answers.

5. Give away the Ownership and Responsibility

Power is quite a funny thing for leaders, as often with the title comes a lot of power they never had. Unfortunately, some like the sensation so much that they will hold onto it and also take advantage of it.

The best of leaders always give away power and responsibility to other people to take ownership of the decision and behaviors they make. This is quite easy to write but hard to put into practice.

These were a few things that you must practice to be a leader who creates more leaders. 


6 Must-Have Qualities of an Effective Leader

Leaders at heart wish to be an employer of choice and not be an imposed boss who is hated lest liked and followed. Having the qualities of an effective leader, leadership of people who are associates of managers and supervisors must be important. They have to understand that we don’t have to manage our associates. We lead them.

We should also manage finances and the team members. Such leaders should have the following 6 qualities to be effective every day. 


Relevant Knowledge

An effective leader goes beyond knowledge by also having the relevant knowledge for the role they are playing. This also includes theoretical, technical, and conceptual knowledge. The person should have the ability to image and conceptualize. He or she should know the whole operation so that he can effectively lead a team. 


This is related to the ability to follow and interpret the vision and the mission of the whole organization. It also brings together the small decision-making processes and effective communication because a leader must synthesize, communicate, and interpret information highly successfully. 

Ethical and Moral Character

To become an effective leader, one should be highly honest and also have a strong moral character. Your character will let you always support the right thing and order the right methods in your office and workspaces. 

Desire to Influence Others

This desire is mostly seen as the willingness to accept strong authority. In other words, the person is okay to be in hold and authority and does not shirk this reasonability. They may use the authority to build strong and trusting ties and also influence others. 


Someone who has a strong presence and bearing also can influence the lives of other people. A good leader has the strength to pursue his goals and always stick to them. Such a person must have strong beliefs that will let him through dark times and help him always achieve his goals and dreams. Such traits are linked to self-confidence. 

Integrity/Dependability and Drive

These characteristics include endurance and leaders’ enthusiasm. It means that the individual is strongly willing and can put in the energy needed to achieve certain goals. Such an individual can also be depended upon to do all that he thinks of doing. 

These were the few qualities of an effective leader that all leaders must look forward to having and should try to grow into a trusted person by his associates.

You can also grow into a strong leader if you have the will and hope to always stick to your goals and also keep your team connected to you in all situations. These traits, along with the inbuilt desire to achieve big things, make a true leader. 

Importance of Mentoring and Being Mentored In Life

Importance of Mentoring And Being Mentored In Life

There may have been many such moments in life when you felt helpless or open to the big bad world. At such times one needs to have a trustable source of help. Someone who has the right amount of knowledge to lend you a helping hand out of this situation is a mentor. It may be a friend, a colleague, a teacher, or your parents, but someone who helps and guides you out of the bad and into the good in life is a mentor.  Human beings always need help steer clear of their paths into a world of confidence and a brave heart. The Importance of mentoring and being mentored in lifeis as follows.

Importance of Mentoring and Being Mentored In Life

Gives knowledge

Mentors share all of their knowledge and experience with you to learn from their vast experience. You may apply these lessons to your life as a student and in your personal and professional areas of life. 

Help you Improve

It is often very easy for someone out of your own body to tell you where you have to improve. A mentor gets to know all of your strengths and weaknesses with time and may play a very important role in helping you be the best version of your existence. 

Broaden Professional Network

Mentors are well connected and also well-liked. This is why they decide to give back to the world by being a mentor. They may introduce you to the network they have built over time and help you set straight for success in your career. 

Provide Encouragement

Mentors are not people who are always around you to point the flaws out and give advice. They also happen to be a support system to encourage you to take risks and believe in yourself. 

Help Advise

When you have to ask for someone’s opinion on a huge decision, you may turn to a trusted mentor to take some advice. At the same time, some mentors prefer to guide you through your answers. And others may give you their advice. 

Being a mentor yourself will also be a very rewarding experience. Being able to give back to the world all that it gave to you is such a gift. You can set many lives straight and let those people enjoy a better life through your mentorship. Mentoring someone and seeing them improve will be the biggest reward that will help you grow more in yourself. You may have gained your knowledge in life the hard way.

But if you will mentor someone, you will guide them through your advice and set them on a path to explore the world through their own eyes and find new challenges to surpass. 


So what is your stance in life? Are you looking for a mentor, or are you ready to spread your wings and mentor other people who are more in need of it? Do you now know the Importance of mentoring and being mentored in life?

Seven Reasons Why Leadership Development Programs Fail

Leadership development programs are the ways to expand the capacity of people working in an organization to perform in various leadership roles. These programs include mentoring and coaching, and they result in a boosting of employee morale and transform any company for merely a workplace to a great place to work. These leadership development programs reinforce a company’s vision, missions, and values by defining out examples. 

But sometimes these leadership development programs also fail. The top 7 reasons for the failure of these programs are stated below:

1. Failure to communicate:

Today’s organizations are complex. These complex levels require thorough communication among all the levels and tiers of the organization. But during the Leadership development training programs, when there is a lack of communication from the leader’s ends to the employee end, then chances of failure increase. A leadership training suggests that the boss or the team lead must have an individual level connection with all its employees to promote a sense of “we” rather than “I.”

2. Lack of accountability:

Tracking of results and keep all the processes accountable in any organization is very important to let the leadership development programs be a success. The organizational development track must be recorded, and every individual must be self-disciplined and focused.

3. Fear of firing:

A team lead must not have a fear of firing an employee just because he has been working with the company for so long that you know their family now. When someone isn’t performing well and needs a rest, then he must get it to keep the organization afloat and all the development programs working successfully.

4. Lack of alignment:

You might have read in many books on leadership that it’s the leaders who keep the whole organization and its key players aligned. When your key players are not all on the same page, then leadership development programs are destined to fail. Sure, disagreements can happen, but a leader solves them all to keep everyone united.

5. Lack of clear vision:

Organizational leadership stands firm on a strong vision. You can not move ahead and grow as a company if you don’t have a clear and compelling vision for your company, then you are moving to nowhere. It’s like aiming an arrow in a foggy forest. As a leader, you need to build a strong vision that keeps the fire in your employees’ ablaze. This will help the organization to keep moving in a single intended direction. 

 6. Poor execution:

When leaders don’t follow their plans, fail to keep a score of what’s important, and they don’t assign the right jobs to the right people, then they make the perfect formula for leadership development programs fail. But if these three puzzle pieces are put together perfectly, then any company can be put on a winning track.

7. A company culture by default:

Company culture is consciously thought and designed and not just brought into being on its own. By doing so, your company culture will be an advantageous competitive thing that will attract top talents and will drive success. 

Leadership skills aren’t always learned from birth. They can be learned and can help any organization to turn itself into a thriving one. Team leadership can take the sails of any company and move it upstream with the help of some of the company’s aligning points stated above.