3 Most Effective Ways Of How to Build trust as a Leader?
Something that many of the true leaders would ask and ponder upon! How to build trust among your team being its leader?! So how to build trust as a leader?
The answer seems quite intuitive. Most of us hold company off-sites and also run team-building activities. Informal lunches, the monthly social get-togethers, and everything that you do to bring your team along. And we also thank the team in front of all and have one-on-one meetings to build trust that is the right way? Right? Wrong!

Following three ways are found to be the tight steps on how to build trust as a leader.
1.Communicate the thought behind your actions
Around 26% of people in a survey have said that making your thoughts and intentions clear is the most effective way for trust building. This always makes sense. The intent is such a basic part of the whole definition of trust to start with.
Talking about the intent behind all your actions is being about why you are doing or saying something. And why you have made certain decisions. Be clear about why you are changing your mind about something; otherwise, it may wreak havoc on the relationships you have at work.
2.Be vulnerable as a leader
Around 28% of people in a survey have said that admitting to shortcomings and being vulnerable as a leader was highly effective in building trust. For employees and managers in a certain survey, they said how being vulnerable with the weaknesses you have shows empathy. The more empathetic people are towards you, the more likely they will trust in you.
3.Follow through with your commitments
Around 18% of employees have expressed that only following through with some commitments was the most effective process to build trust. It seeks to be mainly powerful when it was found that 48% of employees have believed that their company has been all talk and no actual action on anything or something lately.
Hence when you have committed, follow through on it to build trust among your team members. Your commitment to work or anything you say will define how much you value your words, and it will reflect on the trust you are building with your team.
So Must Follow These Ways to Build Your Trust As A Leader!
These were the three main points you have to know when you ask how to build trust as a leader? Leadership and trust must both be present in the same setting for any team to work perfectly. Building trust as a leader may not be that easy at the start, but it takes time and patience to achieve anything that you have set your mind to, right?
You can surely have meetings with your team members and appreciate them for their work, but these three factors must be check marked before you head out for the rest.
Most leaders only focus on work and work! But this leads to uneven situations both in work done and in team members. You need to keep the balance and make sure you are always moving ahead of the team members’ mindset, and hence you will lead.