“As a descendant of Native Americans, I just am so aware of how denigrated and how diminished and how devalued Native American culture is, in this society. The legacy of my history as a descendant of Native Americans, is another part of why I really wanted to bring MasterPeace to the forefront. No matter where you study Native American culture or history, you will see that they for the most part, were very peaceful people, They fought to protect themselves and they fight for their culture.”
-Iyanla Vanzant
For the past few years, New York Times bestselling author and spiritual life coach, Iyanla Vanzant, has been continuing her late daughters legacy, of crafting all natural body products that impact the mind, body and soul. As a new addition to the MasterPeace Body Therapy LIne, she introduces her Luxury Bath Bars, which all come with an affirmation from the spiritual coach herself. With ingredients such as shea butter, purifyingcharcoal, and natural botanical extracts, these luxury body bars are said to “help you clear away toxic energy and help restore your body to balance.”

The entire MasterPeace Body Therapy line consists of body washes, body butters and scrubs, that are are made with pure plant extracts and natural mineral ingredients. These products, along with the new Luxuxy Bath Bars are sure to help you take your self care and bathing routines to a new level. When asked about her own defintion of self-care, Vanzant stated, “Self care, to me is the conscious awareness of Mind Body Spirit, moment to moment to moment to moment to moment, and then taking the actions or engaging in the practices that support you, and having the highest energetic vibration possible.”
The MasterPeace Collection is available online at: https://www.masterpeacebodytherapy.com/

About Iyanla:
Iyanla Vanzant is the premier African American teacher, writer and
speaker, on the subjects of spirituality, personal development and
loving relationships. The author of 15 titles, which include five New
York Times best sellers, Iyanla has touched the minds and hearts of
more than 8 million readers in 23 languages. She is also the founder
and Executive Director of the Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual
Development conducts workshops and classes around the United
States, throughout Africa and the United Kingdom sharing her brand
of practical spiritual and personal growth tools and skills.
As the relationship expert, spiritual healer and star of the #1 rated
OWN show and three-time NAACP award winning, Iyanla, Fix My
Life, she has helped countless individuals and families on their paths
to healing. Authoring books and producing television is not all that
Iyanla has been able to master or accomplish. She is also a master
herbalist—a craft she learned from her Native American grandmother.
It is this gift and knowledge that she relied on to create and launch,
MasterPeace, her line of exquisite bath and body products.