Youtube is a place where many people are posting videos every day/some do it for fun, while some want to create their whole career. But most of these people are aged enough to start their careers professionally.
On the other hand, a nine-year-old boy has established his successful YouTubing career. He made €24 million in a year from “unboxing” and reviewing games and toys on Youtube. Moreover, he holds the title of the highest paid YouTuber for the third year consistently.

Ryan Kaji Youngster Highest Paid Youtuber:
Ryan Kaji from Texas made $29.5 million from his Youtube channel named Ryan’s World. He is also estimated $200m from the branded toys of Ryans World and clothing, including Marks and Spenser PJs. Ryan has also signed a multimillion-dollar deal for his TV series on Nickelodeon that has been kept undisclosed.
He is described as a child influencer and started making his Youtube videos back in 2015 after watching the other toy review channels. He then asked this question about how I am not on YouTube when all the other kids are? And this was the question that led him into creating his very first youtube video.
His family changed his actual surname Guan to his on-screen name Kaji. He now runs 9 youtube channels. Ryan’s World is the most popular having 41.7 million subscribers and 12.2 billion views. His most popular video is the Huge Surprise Toys Challenge which has over 2 billion views making it one of the 60 highest views videos ever.
But the YouTuber Ryan Kaji and his family are now facing certain US Federal Trade Commission investigation threats over some allegations that video sponsors aren’t perfectly disclosed.
Nearly 9% of Ryan Toys Review videos have one paid product recommendation aimed at preschoolers. That is a group of people that are too young to differentiate between the review and a commercial. It was a complaint from the consumer watchdog Truth in Advertising. They say these advertisements mostly depict unhealthy foods as well.
Being a child influencer, Ryan World toy is being courted by many companies to play with the latest toys so that their children may see them. But now, the child influencer himself has become a brand that is then being into Target, Walmart, and Amazon as its influence and own force. It is though, pretty shocking.
The highest paid YouTuber is now also becoming the top child influencer who has started his own business. In Ryans Family, they can have content and products constantly. They are opening up the new toy each day and are paling playing with these toys every day; hence this constant consumerism is being embedded in these messages for kids.
This huge platform is gaining a lot of attention and publicity that Ryan has gathered many child viewers and elders. He keeps on bringing new and modern toys that attract new consumers towards them; or the toys that Ryan owns himself.
Apart from this, many kids also expect their family to look like the Ryan Family and highest paid YouTuber who has a very bright future ahead. Check out more Kidpreneurs.