When the talk is about money and success, most successful entrepreneurs in the world keep changing. This list sometimes brings some names up and sometimes brings them down to replace other new successful ones up there. But which are the most successful businessmen these days in the world? Let us find out.

First, let us find out who entrepreneurs are. An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business or an organization by taking on financial risk.
With the financial risks comes the chance of earning financial rewards in terms of profits. Apart from the financial gain, businessmen and entrepreneurs are also motivated by the factors such as innovation, disruption, and making a strong impact, etc.
Let us now see the 6 most successful entrepreneurs in the world:
1. Jeff Bezos
Jeff was born in 1964 and is the founder and CEO of the e-commerce giant Amazon. Having a net worth of $131 billion, he is at the top of the richest entrepreneurs’ list. He founded Amazon being an online bookstore in 1994. And after that, there wasn’t any spot to look back for Bezos.
He kept adding more and more products to his store. At present, Amazon is the world’s biggest online shopping platform and has diversified interest in a lot of business such as Amazon Web Services, Audible, Alexa, Junglee, etc.
2. Bill Gates
Bill Gates is the founder of the Personal Computer Software firm Microsoft corporation. Having a net worth of $97 billion, Gates is on the number second on this list. He is widely credited as one of the most initial people who revolutionized the personal computing worlds with the Microsoft operating system ‘Windows’ that started in 1975. Microsoft has, over time, diversified the interests in many companies, including LinkedIn, Skype, Microsoft Mobile, Yammer. He is also very actively involved in projects regarding philanthropic.
3. Warren Buffet
He is one of the most successful investors of this time. Having a net worth of $82 billion, he is on the number 3 in this list. He owns Berkshire Hathaway that is more than 60 companies in one, including Geico & Duracell. He has pledged to give away 99% of his earnings in a donation.
4. Bernard Arnault
Bernard Arnault is the CEO and chairman of the fashion conglomerate LVMH. It is the world’s biggest luxury goods company. Having a net worth of $76 billion, he is the richest person in Europe. LVMH has over 70+ brands under its name.
5. Carlos Slim Helu
Carlos Slim Helu owns America Movil that is the biggest mobile telecom company in Mexico. With a net worth of $64 billion, he is on #5 on this list. Also has a very diversified taste in other sectors like consumer goods, construction, real estate, mining, and media.
6. Amancio Ortega
He is the co-founder of Inditex that runs the very popular fashion chain Zara. Having a net worth of $63 billion, he is number 6 on this list. He has 8 brands and also operates on more than 7,500 stores around the world!
This was the list of top successful entrepreneurs in the world that lie at number 1 to 6. What are your plans in the future to lie at any of these numbers?