1)Give us a little bit of your background, and what inspired you to write your story
There is a history of alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence in my family, I fell into the same pattern, I started drinking and using drugs as a teenager, as I got older things got worse I started using more drugs more often. I became homeless, jobless, my children were removed from us by child protection agency here in Chicago, IL. After several years of addiction, I admitted myself into a substance abuse treatment center, got sober in March 1991 have use drugs and or acholic sense. I was inspired to write my story because no one in my family has ever written a book, I wanted to create a new road map for my children, I wanted to tell my truth without anyone else interference.
2)What is your book all about, and what can readers expect from reading it?
“Promising The Moon” is about how a young man became addicted to drugs and alcohol lost everything, he was willing to get the help he needed to change the course of his life. PTM is a book about a young man who lost his children to child welfare, he got clean regain custody of his children, and now he is helping others do the same.
3)What has been one of the most challenging things throughout your writing process?
The most challenging thing for me was revisiting the family trauma, and then putting it on paper, as I understood it. my solution for this was I had a support team, people were supporting me as I was getting through my writing.
4)Who are some of your literary inspirations and why?
Reading books about other people story, like “The Desiree Lee” how they overcame their challenges has been a great sense of inspiration, spending time with my aunt (Hattie Davis) listening to how she overcame the challenges she faced in life, has also been a great inspiration for me to write PTM.
5)What other projects are you working on along with your book?
I have just recently released an online course “Check Your Baggage” this course is designed to help others get started in writing, and telling their story. gregcox.thinkific.com
Also, I have a Podcast “Check Your Baggage” the goal is to encourage others to monitor your personal growth and development.
6)Leave us with some final words of encouragement to your readers and aspiring authors
Everyone has a story to tell, your story is just a valuable then anybody else, your story has the ability to help someone, if you don’t write it who will, and if someone else writes it chances are they will get paid for it, so why don’t you write it and get paid for you own story, and help someone else along the way. Gregory Cox Author of Promising The Moon.