Author Adrian Carter Challenges the Tradional Societal Relationship Norms in His New Book
Author of the must-have leadership development book, Emerging as the Right Person in the Right Place at the Right Time: Leadership in the 21st Century Using The Ellison Model, and founder of the EmpowerMEN Conference, a male empowerment initiative focused on redefining the identity of men in the 21st century, Adrian N. Carter is a sought-after keynote speaker, conflict resolution practitioner, and leadership development trainer who has been impacting corporations and educational institutions for over 20 years with his dynamic and progressive ability to lead and help others build solutions using the character and economic development engine of The Ellison Model.
1) Give us a little bit of your background, and what inspired you to write your story .
I’m a father of three who found the world extremely perplexing while going through my divorce proceedings after nine years of marriage. I saw the world around me regarding the expectations of me as a man and husband as lopsided. It began to take its toll on me. In that process I felt a deep need to not be quieted. It was important for my story and a man’s story of love, relationship, marriage, and the impact of social norms to be told.
2)What is your book all about, and what can readers expect from reading it?
The book uses my personal story as a foundation to engage in a deeper deconstruction of social norms in our society that guides how many people view relationships as it relates to headship, leadership, provision and protection. The book challenges traditional patriarchal views, which negatively impacts both men and women attempting to meet these unnatural expectations, to offer a revolutionary perspective on oneness. The book is pivotal for everyone, but for Black men and women especially. Our financial progress rests in our ability to first establish our family unit on a unified front. This book will help Black families put aside Eurocentric ideals for relationships, which in fact work against our nature for community and economic development.
3)What has been one of the most challenging things throughout your writing process?
The looming question has been is the book well-written enough publication yet? Have I made my point clear enough for others to understand. It was important to present a complete, well-rounded, consistent and concise presentation of information so that readers can follow my thought process. As a conflict resolution practitioner, understanding is central to our work.
4)Who are some of your literary inspirations and why?
My mentor, Dr. Deryl G. Hunt, was a sociologist and professor who did a lot in the field of leadership development and conflict resolution. His work in developing The Ellison Model, a social development framework, is an important tool for building inclusive community. The Ellison Model principles are care, share, love, trust, respect, and honor. My book and my life follows the same ethos. Overall, I enjoy the work of many authors and theorists.
5)What other projects are you working on along with your book?
This book will be later accompanied by a guided journal and family planning book to assist men with self-management and financial planning.
6)Leave us with some final words of encouragement to your readers and aspiring authors.
Our voice is the most important element of our human experience. We speak loudly and boldly with our money, entertainment choice, political decisions, and with our silence. Use your voice and say something great in everything you do.

Connect with Adrian through his social media pages here
Instagram: @adriancarterspeaks
Facebook: adriancarterspeaks
Twitter: ancarterspeaks
And website