Day: May 26, 2020

How To Build Your Email List Using Podcasting

Written By Robert Thibodeau

In order to succeed in business, you need clients.

In order to succeed in podcasting, you need listeners.

If you use your podcast to further your business, you need a way to turn those listeners into clients! (That is pretty obvious, right?)!

In order to accomplish this, you need a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is simply a landing page that generates interest in what you are offering a potential listener to take some action. The action we are talking about here is for a person to be willing to share their name and email address with you in exchange for information.

You have probably heard the phrase, “The money is in the list.” Believe me when I say, it’s true!

It is been proven that email marketing yields an average of 4000%+ return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the USA! That means for every $1 spend in promoting email marketing, a business would generate $4000 in revenue. (DISCLAIMER: Those are averages! Some businesses earn MORE and many will earn LESS)!

But, in order to sell you products or services, you need to move listeners to take action to join your email list. You do that, you need to convince them it is in their best interests to do so.

One way is for you to make them an offer that moves them to visit your website. Usually, this will involve free information or resources that could be valuable to the other person. You cannot straight sell a visitor to your website! You need to convince them of your value to them, FIRST!

Less than 5% of the people who initially visit your website are ready to buy at that moment in time. Instead of focusing only on the 5% who are ready with credit card in hand, focus also on the 95% who are looking around and checking you out!

The 5% will buy.

But if you can establish a relationship with the other 95% that benefits them, some of those will also come back and become buyers as well.

That is what a lead magnet will do for you!

Just make sure your lead magnet will fulfill these 5 things:

  1. Make one specific promise that fixes one specific problems for one specific type of person.
  2. Gives the prospective client sufficient information of how this will work for them.
  3. Ensure the offer is perceived as “high value” in the eyes of the prospect.
  4. It provides almost instant gratification for the person who will sign up to receive it.
  5. Contains clear instructions on “What to do next.” (i.e. “Receive your report here.”).

When you design your lead magnet with those five parts in mind, you will begin to see your email list start to grow on a continuous basis.

About the Writer

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from “Concept to Launch and Into Monetization.” You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his Podcast Creation Checklist for FREE under the Services tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

Five Reasons Why Entrepreneurial Ventures Fail

How new ventures fail while others succeed is not a matter of fate or luck, but it is caused by the very things that can be controlled. Some entrepreneurs have managed to lead several successful ventures while others failed at the first step. You may have a brilliant idea, but that does not guarantee success. Success is not based on big ideas only but how the concepts are executed. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, avoid these factors that can make your venture brutal.

1. Lack of focus

Any venture minus focus equals failure. Entrepreneurs focus is the steering wheel that directs your goals and objectives. The focus will help you adjust with the dynamics of business and overcome the challenges that come along with entrepreneurship.

2. Improper planning

Most of the new startups fail due to inadequate preparation. Before venturing in any business, you need to plan your venture very well, or else you end up regretting. Draw your short term goals and grid them on your long-term objectives. The fact is that every strong structure is made out of a plan. Visualize on where you want to go and how to reach there. The rule is simple,” failing to plan planning to fail”.

3. Wrong location

Location is a contributing factor when it comes to your ventures market. Locating your business in the wrong place will reduce customer accessibility. For instance, if you venture in a trade involving fast-moving products, you must locate it in a busy area. The right location also reduces costs associated with long-distance travelled by customers to access your products.

4. Wrong partnerships

As much as entrepreneurship requires teamwork, wrong partners may be a source of failure. As an entrepreneur, scrutinize your circle and cut any link that is discouraging, and inhibiting progress. Toxic partners will only mess you up and reduce your brilliant ideas to nothing.

5. Financial mix-up

Entrepreneurship requires well-managed cash flows. Don’t forget that cash flow and profits are two different things that should not be compromised. The season why beginners fail is because they just get excited by the inflow of cash without negative cash flows awareness. Make sure your business records a positive cash flow or else you will soon become bankrupt.

Four Reasons Why Your Business May be Losing Customers

Formulating an idea is not good enough to make you succeed in entrepreneurship. Technology is changing everything on the face of the earth. Customers’ needs are getting are sophisticated every day as technology advances. Marketing is the catalyst that facilitates product awareness. However, every entrepreneur must know that customers have got tastes and preferences. With every new venture made in the business world, there is a risk of customers switching to unique choices. To get hold of your customers, you need to catch up with the dynamics of technology. Here are four reasons why your business may be losing customers

1. Boredom

Customers get bored with the same product throughout the year. Modifying your product will rejuvenate your customer’s desires. Take advantage of digital marketing to break the boredom. Don’t be a boring master; make your customers miss your service by creating a deep relationship with every customer. Know that customers are not people but personalities. What might excite one customer may bore the other one. Personalize the relationship to fit each customer’s satisfaction.

2. Declining product quality

No customer will sacrifice quality products for loyalty. Despite winning your customers. You need to retain them by upgrading the quality of your products subsequently. Every new venture is trying to win customers, and this presents a risk of customers switching behavior.

3. Lack of differentiation

Customers will always go for unique products in the market. If you sell similar products with your competitors, then you risk losing the market. A distinction is a strategy that is unchallenged in the entrepreneurship field. Product differentiation will mark you different from your competitors.

4. Customer conflict

“Customer is always right” This slogan has stared up the war between entrepreneurs and customers. As an entrepreneur, you must consider how you treat your customers.  After all, customers gave got alternative sources, and they won’t stick where they are unsatisfied. However, this slogan can mislead you. Some customers are just toxic and want to make your venture a social amenity. Critical thinking will help clear the misunderstandings and create a mutual relationship.