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lead people who are smarter than you

How to lead people who are smarter than you?

As a leader, do you feel inferior and unconfident in front of your team? Of course, best managers hire the best team, but some feel comfortable in front of people with high degrees and talent. If you want to play big and stay one step ahead, you need to lead your team confidently. Leading a team with members of exceptional mindset requires skills. It isn’t easy, but it is worth it.  From this article, you will understand to lead people who are smarter than you and get the most out of your employees.

lead people who are smarter than you 1

Pointers to lead people

Here are some key pointers that can improve your leadership skills and guide you to lead people who are smarter than you. So let begin

1. Face your fear

Nowadays, it has become a culture of intelligent people to be over-confident. It is natural to feel nervous and insecure to lead people with extraordinary skills. Understand your fear like you are afraid of making mistakes, of looking unprepared and stupid. Whatever you feel, believe in yourself and think that picking the intelligent people from a long cue is an act of confidence and smartness. 

2. Give and take feedback

Feedback is an essential part of every employee and employer. By well-coming feedback from your team, you can understand at which point you need improvement.

By talking to one person or friend, you can get benefit from the perspective. But, taking feedback from the team you are working with can give you an honest opinion. Moreover, feedback exchange opens the way for friendly communication between employees and managers.

3. Don’t be a micromanager.

When a leader feels insecure working with he thinks better than him, he stops overlooking minor mistakes. Such a leader confuses the team and reduces their productivity. You need to give your team space and let them do the best way they can.

As a leader, support your team and encourage them, but do not hover. However, maintaining a friendly relation with your team is essential for growth and productivity.

4. Seek good counsel

Sharing your feeling can ease your worries. It would help if you found some who listen to you and advise you the best. The advisor can coach, mentor, or friend. Discuss your problem and concern that is exhausting you and ask for guidance.

Find a solution by talking to someone is a better option instead of staying in turmoil and making mistakes.

5. Be confident and don’t intimidate.

Sometimes leader thinks that he needs to know every answer. It is not valid. A leader’s role is not to see every triviality of a project but to set stages. Being a leader, you have to be sure and confident in your words.

As a leader, you lead people who are smarter than you. It means to deal with people who are up to date, skilled, and experienced in their field. It is ok if you fail to answer a question.


A leader leads people who are experienced people and skills, and you do not need to worry. Being a leader, you have to be sure about what you are planning; instead, you know all trivialities of the field. Maintaining a friendly relation with the employee will also make your dealing easy.

ethnic diversity

Ethnic Diversity in the world of tech

Ethnic Diversity has stayed low on the executive level in this industry of tech. In the survey done by Trust Radius, only 21% of respondents have said that at least a quarter of their executives were people of color, whereas 67% said that it was less than only a quarter. 

In comparison, 40% of the US population is non-white. The very few stats that are now available shows that the etch industry is a lot likely than average. But the stats tend to be based on silicon Valley data, and Silicon Valley is a lot less diverse than IT at large. 

The discrimination and inadequate racial quality efforts continue:

As per the survey, people of color always face discrimination at work. Respondents reported a massive difference in discrimination at work based on their ethnicity. 43% of people of color have said they have faced issues of such sort, while only 16% of white said so. 

Is the tech industry doing very little to support equality?

Respondents of the survey have said that the tech industry is doing very little to address racial inequality. It means that 67% wanted the tech industry to do a lot more, 18% said that the industry has been doing enough, while 15% have said that it is doing too much. People of color a more likely to say more work is now needed to address racial inequality. 

It is also true in the fact that people of color struggle to find mentors. The survey has also found that non-white people find it harder to find a mentor than whites. Even Asians that are overrepresented in the industry saw it a lot more challenging to have mentors. 

  • Black: 63% found it harder
  • Indigenous: 52% 
  • Latinx: 45% 
  • Asian: 41%
  • White: 28%

Are our diversity programs the way out?

Even before the killings of blacks in 2020 by the police, US business that also includes the tech industry has known that its ranks did not reflect American society makeup. The issue starts quite early, with poverty constricting education opportunities, leading to fewer minorities with the right amount from the right schools and without the money to have internships. All of these are useful in making long-term professional connections. And as a result, the diversity programs have been here since the 1970s for women and ethnic minorities. 

Smaller businesses might not have the budget for having a formal role or a group and might rely on HR to tackle such issues. Around 56% of the survey respondents say that their companies don’t have any executive or group focused on diversity and inclusion issues. 

In the start, many black professionals might have the feeling that they are granted the job role only because they are colored. But it is also the fact that many people also face discrimination at work only because of the color of their skin. The job industry and the market are a lot more complex than they used to be because of ethnic differences. 

And so does the tech flow along.